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Zona Noroeste - "Isla de Pascua". INFORMACIONES

Desierto de AtacamaEuropean travelers, lacking a desert of their own, do not need many reasons to become fascinated with one of the driest deserts in the world, located in the Atacama Region of northern Chile. Other visitors, once they have experienced the overwhelming fascination of this harsh and arid landscape give in to the magic of the unique, remote oasis of San Pedro de Atacama. The timeless traditions and archaeological relics of the pre-Columbian occupants, the geological wonders of Moon Valley and the geysers of El Tatio, the bird life and unique fauna of the salt pans, are only a part of the many attractions which make this visit a memorable one. It is a re-encounter with our own roots.

There are two ways to visit the area:

a) Explora Lodge, with a well-defined philosophy of active deluxe travel
b) San Pedro de Atacama, offering more rustic, non-deluxe comfort

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